My Favourite Holiday
The first Sunday of Daylight Savings Time is better known as a my favourite holiday. It is a time to celebrate, rejoice, open the champagne, and take to the swimming pool. Winter is officially over, now it's long days, late nights, warm weather, and all. I love it. I made it through another too, too long Utah winter.
I celebrated my favourite holiday in a non-traditional manner. This weekend I served as dog-sitter for my sister's two dogs - an aged and very much beloved cocker spaniel and a young, spitfire shih tzu. Sister and b-in-law Tom drove down to LV for the weekend and were set to return Sunday afternoon. Yesterday, at nine a.m. the shih tzu fled the property. When he hadn't returned in an hour, I called my friend b-lo to help out. Within two hours, he still hadn't returned, and I'd Amber Alerted and papered the neighborhood and surrounding neighborhood with signs. When I wasn't driving around in my car, I was riding a bicycle, squeaking one of is toys and calling his name. In fact, bicycled so much I should have had a "Live Strong" bracelet on my right arm and Sheryl Crow on my left. When the dog hadn't returned in five hours, I called Jim and Susie for more assistance. Finally, seven hours post departure, I located the dog chained to a basketball standard in the driveway of a home in a nearby neighborhood. A happy ending, indeed. Thanks to all who helped with my search effort.
So, while not the best way to celebrate the holiday, it wasn't all that bad: I got plenty of exercise, met new people, got to spend quality time with friends, and acquired a bit of a tan.

Also, I very much agree with slcup: the James Blunt concert was great. Although I feel bad for telling a fellow concert goer that members of the opening band Boy Least Likely To were formerly in a band called "Drive Shaft" whose best known was "Y'all Everybody," and whose lead singer went missing following a plane crash. She believed me.
The Depot is an excellent venue. A bit like the old Zephyr, but with more space, better organized, and smoke-free.
Was the concert goer from Idaho?
Good job finding the dog. Did you use a big butterfly net like they do in cartoons?
You should definitely post a photo of the little runaway to show your readers that the search and rescue was worth the effort.
By the way, I’m anxious for a shuffle board rematch.
Happy summer.
I am going to add "Amber Alerted " to my vocabulary. I didn't realize it could be conjugated to verb form.
The funniest/saddest part about you telling that lady that the opening band was fomerly know as "Drive Shaft" was that she asked you because she wanted to go home and impress her teenage son with her knowledge of hip, new music. Poor, old lady.
Thanks for finding him! You're a good brother. And your crew, too. I'll buy everyone a beer.
Justin, the answer is no, you were correct. I suppose I was just looking out for you and not wanting any crazys to easily locate you through your ad.
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