Friday, October 13, 2006

Blogging is hard work.

But apparently not as hard as writing for a television show. Because television writers are so strapped for plot devices that they have to recycle the same three over and over and over again. The top three plot devices I would like to see retired:

1. The love triangle. See: Lost, Grey's Anatomy (a terrible offender from Izzy, Alex, and Denny to Meredith, Finn, and Derek, and Meredith, Addison and Derek and George, Callie and Meredith, etc.), and every daytime and evening soap opera ever aired.

2. Black mail. Come. On. Every single adult walking this planet has seen enough television to know how to foil a black mailer.

3. Dream sequences. It's not so much that I mind the dream sequence. I mind the fact that the character having the dream remembers Every Single Detail of the elaborate dream long after they wake up. There must be a better way to foster a character's development than a dream sequence.

Off topic: Who remembers the song "The Best Things in Life are Free" by Luther Vandross and Janet Jackson? To those people that said yes, could one of you YouSendIt to me, please? Thank you.

Today's Song: On the Wings of Love, Jeffrey Osborne (for that poor bird on The Office last night)


At 13 October, 2006 09:50, Blogger stella said...

A sniffle from me for the bird. Pam's eulogy killed me.

'What do we know about this bird? You might think not much, its just a bird. But we do know some things. We know it was a local bird. Maybe it was the same bird that surprised Oscar that one morning with a special present from above. And we know how he died--flying into the glass doors. But I don't think he was being stupid. I think he just really, really wanted to come inside our building to spread his cheer and lift our spirits with a song. Lastly, we can't help but notice that he was by himself when he died. But that doesn't mean he was alone. Because I'm sure that there was lots of birds out there who cared for him very much. He will not be forgotten.'

At 13 October, 2006 15:38, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, the dream sequence. I have always hated that with a passion.

Should I be admitted that I owned the Mo' Money soundtrack for years which included the song you are looking for? I even thought the CD was so good that when I stopped listening to it I tried to pawn it off on my neices. They didn't want it so I think I sold it at a garage sale when I moved 3 years ago. Sorry, I would have converted it and emailed it to you if I still had it.

I keep forgetting to watch the office...


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