I wanna POP!
Sundance starts this week. Maybe some of you are curious about the inner workings of the festival? If so, I'll give you some scoop. This year due to the economic climate, the festival is somewhat scaled back. What does that mean? It means that Pepsi isn't the official soft drink sponsor. Coca Cola isn't either. So you what that means . . .
It's Shasta! When I hear the word Shasta, I think of the catch 80s tune that goes something like "I want a taste pizazz, all the great taste . . ." To jog your memory, take a look at this:
And even better, this:
Today's Song: Apple Bottom Jeans, T-Pain
Shasta! When I think of that soda, I imagine a gaggle of 45 year old women drinking it while hanging out at an above ground pool. And discussing the likelihood that one of the neighbors they don't like is having an affair with the lawn boy.
I am really disappointed that there hasn't been any Black Cherry Shasta available at the Volunteer Villa. It's like they're too cheap to diversify the flavors offered. I'm going to have Catherine write a strongly worded letter.
Shasta reminds me of the 80's but I still love kiwi strawberry and black cherry!
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