Friday, January 04, 2008

PSA - Old Gold Jewelry

One night last week, at far too late an hour, I was watching television at Jedd and Stella's house. As is typical of the particular hour, a number of questionable commercials were airing. You know, ads for Ginzu knives, life insurance, newly released U.S. mint coins, etc. I'm able to ignore most of them. However, one particuarly advertisement captured my attention and absolutely blew me away.

An advertisement for this company. Although I cannot find the actual advertisement that company aired, this advert is pretty close:

Seems to me these people want the elderly - our grandmothers! - to ransack their jewelry boxes and send in their "old gold jewelry" in exchange for a pittance. Or they want to encourage meth addicts to burgle homes for "old gold jewelry" in order to fund their next hit. I shake my head every time I hear "old gold jewelry" and try to picture the copy writers behind these terrible ads.

In other news, I'm five episodes into Friday Night Lights season 1 and I will say that it is deserving of all its buzz.

Today's Song: Beach Baby, First Class


At 04 January, 2008 09:44, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best of all, the gold kit is free!

At 04 January, 2008 10:22, Blogger stella said...

Justin, I was so confused when you told me about that ad. I thought you were talking about a Saturday Night Live skit. I can't believe it's real. That is so horrifying.

Also, FNL rocks. I'm glad you're enjoying it. I couldn't get into the second season, though, they kept changing nights on me. I'll have to Netflix it.

At 04 January, 2008 10:45, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not good at watching shows about sports.

At 04 January, 2008 10:57, Blogger h.justin said...

By the way Greg, I am still working on Freaks and Geeks. And Mary Hartman! Mary Hartman! I'm going to finish the latter and let you borrow it. You may like that more than, say, FNL.


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