Friday, March 07, 2008

Chola Morongo

While in Palm Springs, I went to the Morongo Casino and Resort for a classic rock concert (not my choice) and gaming (my choice). (Should you ever visit this casino/resort be advised that they charge you for drinks. As in, if you are playing blackjack - lowest table minimum: $15! - and order a drink, maybe say, a Makers Mark, you will be charged for that drink. Seriously, I watched it happen.

Now this casino was unlike any I'd ever been to before. Well, the crowd was unique, the casino itself wasn't that unusual. This crowd was 90% under the age of 35, and 45% Asian, 45% Hispanic, and 10% Caucasian staff. No joke. Because of the high proportion of young Hispanics, there were Cholas galore. As I was walking through the place, I passed several groups of Cholas. "Oh, get a picture with them for the people at home!" I thought. Fortunately, that little voice inside of me - the cautionary voice, the voice of reason - piped up and said, "Just keep walking. Eyes straight ahead." I listened and heeded.

So, no picture of me with the Cholas. But here is this:

Today's Song: Green Eyed Lady, Sugarloaf


At 08 March, 2008 16:00, Blogger JimmyG said...

Yo . . homess . . dot be aten.

At 11 March, 2008 13:06, Blogger mary said...

That was such a funny post! Loved it! I've seen that viedo before, it gets better and better every time I see it!


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