Friday, October 10, 2008

Confession Friday

Alright, I don't have alot of irrational fears or superstitions, but there is one I will confess to. Though I'm not sure it's a fear so much as a compulsive concern.

Long, long ago way back when George Clooney was on ER and NBC had its Friends, Seinfeld, ER Thursday night line-up, I watched ER. And one season finale scene just absolutely stuck with me. This one:

The one where Dr. Green gets attacked in the men's room. Remember that? Some hooded guy just springs on him from behind and beats him up. Well, that scene has haunted me ever since. I flash to it all to often when I'm in a mens room and think about how I would/will respond in a similar situation. Similarly, I have the same feeling/thoughts when I'm at a drinking fountain. I imagine some seedy character coming up and slamming my head into the fountain.

Maybe now it will haunt you.


At 14 October, 2008 13:16, Blogger Whatever Dee-Dee wants said...

I use to think the same thing when I would brush my teeth, that someone would break in the house and slam head down on the sink.


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