Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A Few Peeps from Me

Thank you to the kind person that left tied to my door a Target shopping bag filled with four large boxes of blue, chick-shaped Peeps. It was the best Easter basket I received this year. But I'm confused, are you asking me to Sadie Hawkins Dance?

Thank you to all the guys at my gym. I unknowingly left the jacket I purchased at Sundance this year (quilted black and silver Spyder) in an unlocked locker from 5pm last night to 9 am this morning. This morning when I realized it was missing and hustled to the gym to retrieve it, I found it right where I left it. I appreciate you not stealing it (although I know you wanted to).

Quiz. For best results, be completely candid.

A few years ago my sister taught me a game. It's called "high kick contest." The rules are simple: two or more contestants meet up, find an impartial judge, and each contestant kicks one leg as high as they can and the judge declares whoever kicked highest the winner. I am a two time winner, two time loser. I always kick highest, but still come out the loser. You see the first time my sister and I played we were simulatenously playing slots on the floor of the MGM casino. Our judge was a stranger playing a slot machine near us. I went first and kicked right leg up, but left leg went out from under me. I landed on my head and sustained a subdural hematoma and mild brain damage. The judge saw my blood and split. I know I sustained mild brain damage from that incident because I high kicked again a couple weekends ago. Same result, with a slight twist: same subdural hematoma, same mild brain damage - but this time BROKEN TAILBONE. So Aunt's BFF when you say "oh my achin' ass" - you don't know the half of it.

Turns out Nornna is a HUGE hit on You Tube - so much so that she has even been stalked(!), however my readers are not fans. Pity that. I thought she'd be a special guest star in manner of Heather Locklear on Melrose Place. Sorry Nornna, you get the cane - off my stage.

I liked the Sopranos episode. I like that Angie is "putting money on the street" - whatever that means. And if any of you watched Desperate Housewives on Sunday, I hope you laughed as hard as I did at the Mrs. McCluskey and the Fudgesicle bit.

And did you see last night "What About Brian?" Nevermind lame Brian: The most interesting story line IMHO is couple trying out an "open marriage." Everything old is new again. Am sure the open marriage concept will once again sweep the nation thereby healing the divide between marrieds and singletons. Thanks ABC.


At 18 April, 2006 08:56, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peeps! Gross. Jeeze, we agree on so many TV shows, why the disappointment with the Peeps? It makes me very sad.

I break up.

At 18 April, 2006 09:05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am also glad that your special Sundance jacket wasn't stolen --since I plan to steal it next time I see it. I love that jacket. Will you leave it to me when you die, HJ? Please?

At 18 April, 2006 09:36, Blogger Unknown said...

Good to see I wasn't the only one that got an anonymous easter basket. Peeps? Gross.

I love Nornna and pity those that don't. She's what we call a "wobbly".

At 18 April, 2006 09:45, Blogger stella said...

Because I am a nerd, I will let you know about Soprano's. I never would've figured this out by myself, that show is too subtle for me.

From my beloved Television Without Pity:
'Meanwhile, Angie's "putting money out on the street,” which means she's self-sufficient. This puts Carmela in a grouchy mood because she knows she would be just as self-sufficient as Angie is, if only her father and Tony would do everything for her.'

At 18 April, 2006 09:50, Blogger stella said...

Also, that quiz made me sad. My psyche is too fragile for stuff like that.

At 18 April, 2006 21:25, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Um, hi, excuse me sir, but my brother and I were just wondering who has the highest kick. Do you think you could watch and maybe tell us who's best?"


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