The Gambler
gambled with his face. And busted.

I want to see some computer tv wizardry where "old" Kenny and "old" Dolly sing Islands in the Stream with "new" Kenny and "new" Dolly. It should be done as a public service announcement. It's possible, I know it. If they can do a video of Natalie Cole singing with her long deceased father, the computer wizards can make my dream come true.
"Baby when I met you there was peace unknown
I set out to get you with a fine tooth comb
I was soft inside
There was something going on"
Shame Kenny thought he needed more than the "fine tooth comb" to get business.
Mad TV's Will Sasso's version of Kenny Rogers looks more like Kenny than the "new and improved" one does. Somebody slap me if I ever decide to jack up my face a la The Gambler.
Poor, poor Kenny. He was the first of my many "old man" crushes. Too creepy to think about now. I'll guess I'll have to pine for someone else on my list now. I think Ian McShane and David Strathairn are at the top.
I bet you can't say that you've been to a Kenny Rogers concert, can you? Well, aunty has and it was a treat. I went with my parents (I was young!) and their friends. One of the men thought it was too loud, so his wife handed him something to put in his ears. I thought it was a tissue. You can only imagine the look of horror on my face when I saw a string dangling down his neck! EWWW!
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