It's that time of year:
Do you have your season passes?
When I first started going to Lagoon as a borderine adult and taking kids along for the ride, there was actually only one kid. And she was barely 3. That kid is now 7 and she comes with a brother that is 3 and a cousin that is 11 and on a lucky, lucky day a super little 3 and 1.5 year old (my cousins). Now, this, I can tell you is infinitely harder. And exponentially more tiring. I now look upon grumpy moms and dads in the midway with sympathy and understanding, whereas before I was simply clueless.
In other news, I went to the Black Kids and Cut Copy concert on Friday night. And I remember everything about that concert in perfect, lucid detail. Go ahead and ask me about it. Just make sure you only ask me to tell you about the hipster who attended in a vintage Jazz player's uniform or getting my picture taken with the Black Kids lead singer or Barlow trying to steal some musical eggs.
Today's Song: Everybody's Working for the Weekend, Loverboy (in concert this Friday in Wendover!)
Oh how I love Lagoon. I haven't been in years. I think a return trip is in order.
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