Thursday, April 06, 2006

We Really Need the Moisture.

What a bullshit phrase. We've got plenty of moisture. This weather has gone on long enough. I'm over it. (In fact, was never under it.) Time to be done.

Remember this day: April 6, 2006. Remember how cold it was. Remember the snow. Remember it come June, July, August, and god willing, a few days in May, when it is hot town, summer in the city. Remember how winter is oppressive, depressing, and generally sucks, and realize that summer is, in fact, king.

p.s. Did anyone remember to take a moment yesterday at 1:23(pm), 04/05/06, to reflect on the once in a lifetime moment when the clock and calendar created the numerical 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 sequence? I intended to make a wish. Of course, I forgot. It was a bullshit forward from a paralegal anyway that alerted me to the event.

Also, as you can see, the Motorola SLVR camera phone is no good.


At 06 April, 2006 15:58, Blogger Sara Z. said...

Summer in Salt Lake bites, and all you suckers will be suffering in this smog hole while I'm living high in Santa Fe.

(Okay, I admit that today the weather is over the top, but the last week has been perfectly spring.)

At 07 April, 2006 07:27, Blogger Unknown said...

My view on weather is based solely on how it relates to my job. Snow in April? NOT GOOD. Clear, hot summer days? VERY GOOD. Suck it, Old Man Winter. I hope you get hit by a snow plow.

At 07 April, 2006 07:50, Blogger Unknown said...

The SLVR's not so can see my apartment building in the top photo.

At 07 April, 2006 08:44, Blogger b-lo said...

I can't look at these depressing photos any longer. Please hurry and post something else. Maybe more Hawaii photos. (Though I must admit, your view on a bad day is better than my office view any day. My office looks straight out onto Sam's Club.)


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