Friday, May 05, 2006

The Rest of the Story:

Well, after grandpa took off for Mardi Gras, grandma headed down to Florida to dance with a 25 year old pervert and delighted a crowd of Lifetime Channel viewers. Coldplay provided the music.


At 05 May, 2006 09:16, Blogger b-lo said...

Much like the lovely hostesses, I don't whether to laugh or cry. I once saw the "Dancing Grannies" at the Jazz Game. That was quirky and cute, this is just plain bizarre. I’ll never listen to that Coldplay song the same way again.

At 05 May, 2006 09:18, Blogger h.justin said...

I think one of the hostesses is Linda Dano of "Coffee Talk" parody fame. So that's fun.

At 05 May, 2006 10:05, Blogger Unknown said...

Linda Dano used to have a talk show on the Lifetime Network called Attitudes. She's the epitome of '80s fashion.

At 05 May, 2006 10:55, Blogger h.justin said...

You should watch the video - it is an "Attitudes" segment with Coldplay digitally inserted.

Linda Dano is also Michael Meyers' mother-in-law, I believe.

At 05 May, 2006 11:58, Blogger Unknown said...

No, that's Linda Richman.


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