California Here We Come . . .
Right Back Where We Started From . . . California . . .
This afternoon I fly down to Newport to hang out with Kirsten, Sandy, Seth, Summer, Ryan, Julie, but sadly not the recently deceased Marissa. Actually, I'm attending the Bar Convention. Attorneys, not booze. Though the two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. I'll be gone the rest of the week. My mind is already on vacation. So I will leave you with some pictures.
This first picture I took at Pat O'Brien's in Cancun. Pat O'Brien's is a legendary New Orleans bar. Home of the Hurricane. I've had a hurricane at the New Orleans location, the Orlando location, and the Cancun location. At the Cancun shop, they had a three-foot tall hurricane display. I couldn't help but wonder how many drunk tourists actually took a sip from it. I didn't; I'm sure it is just colored water. It does look dee-lish-us though, doesn't it:

This second picture is rather embarrassing. It was taken on the Fourth of July at a parade in Kaysville, Utah. At this parade, the people on the floats throw candy at the spectators (generally salt water taffy), but one float went above and beyond and threw stuffed animals, dvds, toys, shirts, and the like. Here I am fighting with kids - yes, kids - to get that crap. Mind you, it wasn't for myself, but for my little friends Ava and Jenna. Unfortunately, you will see, that no other adult is helping their kids. No they let the kids fight it out with the other kids. I was oblivious to my adulthood and got right smack dab in the middle of the kids and caught whatever I could. In hindsight, perhaps it was a little insensitive of me. Irregardless, Ava and Jenna had bags full of candy and toys at the end. And I'm sure the little boys next to me didn't fare too badly either - even without the benefit of my superior eye/hand coordination.

Note how those kids don't have a chance of getting that red teddy bear. I was all over it. And it went straight into Ava's bag. She is at the bottom of the picture (wearing my sunglasses, no less).
I love that picture of you at the parade. It kind of goes with the running by the pool issue.
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