Tuesday, May 22, 2007

And I Always Thought It Was A Smile

One of my favourite shop windows on South Temple - I walk by it almost everyday.

Accepting the above statement to be true (and really, am I going to argue with it?), let me know ladies if you think a man dressed like this would really be the best accessory for your chosen outfit.

Particularly if your chosen outfit is from the shop just four blocks east of this shop which features even fancier window displays of ladies' dresses, i.e. The Bridal Shop. (Though I should point out that more often than not, their window displays look like the questionable dresses tried on by Andie MacDowell for Hugh Grant's viewing pleasure in Four Weddings and A Funeral. I swear I saw the Little Bo Peep one in the window just the other day.)

Today's Song: I'm Every Woman, Whitney Houston (Whatever. I listened to Movin' 100.7 on the way to work. Initial choice was Wham! Rap, Wham or I Am Never Eating at Cafe Rio Again Because It Made Me Sick, by hjustin.)


At 22 May, 2007 08:26, Blogger Unknown said...

The only man that would be attractive in that outfit is Heavy D.

My choice for song of the day is the Cafe Rio one. Sorry you're sick...that's why Barbacoa is better.

At 22 May, 2007 08:46, Blogger stella said...

I think that bridal shop is where I bought my wedding dress. When the saleslady said they were glad to make it "temple ready", I should have heard the warning bells going off.

At 22 May, 2007 09:48, Blogger Georgeory said...

They can make it temple ready so you can do "ceilings".

At 22 May, 2007 11:10, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that King's Row? FHR and his NJ groomsmen terrorized the staff there one June evening in 1996. I think it was the first time black men had ever been in that shop.

As someone who craves Cafe Rio um, pretty much every day, I am sorry to hear it made you sick! Sad.


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