Thursday, July 26, 2007

Summer Rain

drove me to the pictures last night. To see Once. Months ago, Stella started talking about how she wanted to see it, how well reviewed it was, and how good the soundtrack was. But I never got around to seeing it. Until last night.

Yawn. It was charming, I guess, in a New Yorker short story kind of way, but I really was underwhelmed. And I wasn't crazy about the music. Except for one song - Say It To Me Now.

Then I saw Broken English because I was at the theater anyway. With Parker Posey as the lead, I thought it would be pretty good. Look, I don't mind a show about one woman's journey back to herself . . . with dignity. But this one was all over the board. Like three movies in one. The clothes were good.

At least I didn't waste daylight hours seeing these films.

This line from DListed's post about Johnathan Lipniski killed me today: "He's actually not that bad...I mean I' a Disney movie with him. You ain't getting me Chris Hansen!!!!!" So maybe Michael K is better than Perez after all.

Today's Song: Maniac, Michael Sembello (I wonder whether I, too, am reaching the danger zone where the dancer becomes the dance.)


At 26 July, 2007 09:19, Blogger Sara Z. said...

omg I LOVED Once. But I didn't know anything about it when I went in, and I can see how if it had been built up and everything and one was expecting something else, it could be a meh.

Or maybe you have no soul.

At 26 July, 2007 09:52, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My very favorite thing in the world, before a big night out, is blasting Maniac on the iPod and dancing wildly while I shower. Because I, too, am a steel town girl on a Saturday night, and I too, am looking for the fight of my life.

At 26 July, 2007 10:04, Blogger h.justin said...

SZ: I know I have soul because I really, really liked the part where "guy" played his tape of songs for "dad" and dad told him it was brilliant and to go to London and make his ma proud.

B-Lo said to me, in the middle of the film, "Do you know what this movie is named after? The number of times I'm going to sit through it." So, she has less soul than me.

Anon: Lyrical and musical brilliance, isn't it.

At 26 July, 2007 10:58, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It wasn't an awful movie. Just a little hokey if you ask me. They really lost me at the part where they frolic on the beach with a dog and the sound engineer.

At 26 July, 2007 11:39, Blogger Sara Z. said...

Well, I've heard a real mixed bag of responses to the movie. I think you really, really have to be in to sad, strange, singer-songwritery music to be able to sink into it without thinking the whole time, "What is this? What are they doing? Is there going to be some dialog sometime soon? Why isn't there a plot?" It's definitely something different and not for everyone...a kind of music-video-love-story-stream-of-consciousness hybrid of some sort that you either give yourself over to or resist. I basically sobbed all through the closing credits.

I think you'll (hj & b-l0 both)like Introducing the Dwights.

At 26 July, 2007 12:16, Blogger Unknown said...

After reading all the comments, I'm sure I won't be seeing this movie.

At 26 July, 2007 13:00, Blogger h.justin said...

We were going to see Introducing the Dwights, but saw Broken English because it started five minutes sooner. Will have to see it now.


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