Friday, September 07, 2007

You're the best


Two movie recommendations: Rescue Dawn and King Kong Fistful of Quarters. I love a double header at the Broadway.

Prior to today, I was not aware of the Salt Lake City Ordinance prohibiting more than one bar per city block. But there is in place such an ordinance.

Avenues Street Fair tomorrow. First Utah football game at home. Greek Fair. Britney opening the VMAs. So, busy weekend.

Happy Birthday Ella. Month 36.

My most often recurring dream is that I somehow did not manage to complete the coursework for my undergraduate degree. I think I've had the dream in different variations twice this week. What is the meaning of this? The general theme is that I forgot to withdraw from a class and have an incomplete, or that I have one more class to take and have no idea how I am going to do it. And in the dream I am so confused because I remind myself, "You've got your law degree - they wouldn't let you into law school without an undergraduate degree. It's a pretty thorough process." But nevertheless there I sit freaking out in a classroom wondering what the hell is going on, and how I am really looking forward to the exchange with the Pi Phis on Friday and the Kappas on Saturday - plus TriFormal at the end of the month!

Today's Song: You're The Best, Joe Esposito


At 07 September, 2007 12:22, Blogger Georgeory said...

Somehow I can imagine Stella being a Q*Bert champion at age 80. So cute.


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