Monday, March 31, 2008

Nightmare Statute of Limitations

Due to a raging infection in my right cheek, I've been on a slew of extremely potent antibiotics the past couple weeks. While those antibiotics have been effective in reducing the infection and swelling in my face, they've also had a very powerful side effect: sleep disturbance. Each night I have terrible, vivid nightmares and wake up a couple times in the night. It got to the point where I terminated the antibiotics early. I know, boo-hoo. But that's not the point of this post.

Hanging in my closet is a well worn - very well worn - denim shirt that I bought(?) in probably 1991. I believe I wore that shirt (with a tie) to debate tournaments in high school. I wore it the summer before starting university. I wore it to keggers. I wore it on Spring Break. It is perfectly broken in. Robert Redford would love to own it. It is that worn. Unfortunately, though it still fits just right, I haven't been able to wear it since approximately 1994. Because sometime in 1994, I had a a very, very bad dream wherein I either (a) committed a murder or (b) was an accessory to a murder. And in that dream, I was wearing that Gap denim shirt. (Yeah, it's just a Gap. Not Ruff Hewn or Timberland or any of the other fancy early 90's brands.) Now that dream was so vivid that while I can't exactly rememeber the details of it, I can remember the impact it had on me. And the best way I can measure that impact is the fact that I have not been able to wear that shirt because I do not want to risk that dream coming true. So long as I didn't put on that shirt, there is no possible way that horrible dream could ever come true. A couple of times I've put it on thinking, "Don't be a nutter. It was just a dream." But I inevitably puss out and take it off in favor of something else.

It's been 14 going on 15 years since I had that dream. And I think the statute of limitations for a nightmare coming true has probably passed, hasn't it? Or is it still a possibility? I'm thinking it's time to either put the shirt back in rotation or burn it?

Today's Song: Romeo and Juliet, Indigo Girls (because I surely wore that damn shirt to a Park West concert - maybe Indigo Girls or Sting or something)


At 31 March, 2008 13:18, Blogger Unknown said...

I don't think nightmares have a statute of limitations. I'm still afraid of glass escalators, and my nightmare about those happened 24 years ago.

At 31 March, 2008 17:38, Blogger JimmyG said...

Murder as you know has no statute of limitations. However, what if you give it away and some else commits the Murder. What if your DNA shows up in the shirt right after the Murder. What if one day your DNA is actually known and your charged with Murder. I think you know my opinion, were it proudly for the next 10 years. What was the Murder weapon by the way?

At 01 April, 2008 06:29, Blogger VT said...

"All I do is miss you, and the way we used to be..." Think I'll listen to that now.

I think you're good to wear the denim shirt.


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