Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Two Things

I am not proud of - from last night.

First, because I've got a big run this weekend, I decided to rest up and watch television last night. I watched American Idol. Alone. No one forced me to. No one talked me into it. I just did. And I liked it. Well two parts anyway. I thought Mariah Carey was quite charming and incredibly sweet to the Idols. Is there some sort of record she's promoting and wanting everyone in America and the world to purchase. Must be. I also though David Cook's performance was amazing. But then, he did get a string section, back up singers, rock venue lighting, and special effect. (Why didn't the other Idols demand such embellishments?) Anyway, I liked it so much that I voted for him. Only the second time I have ever voted on that show. Like I said, I am not proud.

(Note: for those that watched, I could totally imagine abusive, stalker husbands getting all worked up over that "Always Be My Baby" rendition alone in their truck and then doing something very bad. I think they call that effect, haunting.)

Second, having read too many reviews of the show, I ended up watching an episode of The Real Housewives of NYC. And then another. And then another. And then recording the remainder of them. Have you seen this show? It's pretty amazing. Actually, it really isn't that amazing. You can tell the producers and editors tried to make it really shocking, but I think it is pretty tame. I think I just really enjoyed spending three hours in NYC last night.

Today's Song: Johnny Be Good, Men at Work


At 16 April, 2008 12:19, Anonymous Anonymous said...

American Idol and Real Housewives? That's not embarrasing, that's a straight up dream night for b-lo. Throw in a little Top Chef and your cable just paid for itself. No seriously, why wasn't I invited?

At 16 April, 2008 16:17, Blogger Lincoln said...

I swear to God some woman laughed at me the other day at the gym. I was on the elliptical trainer watching the TV in front of me. What was I watching? Real Housewives of NYC. I felt so judged.


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