Friday, May 12, 2006


I've had a few. In keeping with my "office" theme, I'll share one my life's regrets. Trivial though it may be, here it is:

While attending University, I had a couple part-time jobs my first year. I worked at the Salt Lake Acting Company for a few weeks, then I worked at Arttix for a few months, and then I got a job as a runner for a title company. I followed that up with a job assisting commerical real estate agents. I had the latter job for my last two and half years of university. I worked 1pm to 5pm Monday through Friday. I tailored my class schedule around that job. It was a typical office job. I enjoyed it, it paid really well, and I got alot of great experience - including a real estate agent's license. Now, however, in hindsight, I really regret not working in retail. At Nordstrom or Banana Republic or similar. I can't figure out why I was so bloody obsessed with having a "professional" type office job. Surely I'd have had more fun working with kids my own age -- getting discounts on clothing or the like -- and having "shift work." Years later, I spend all my days in an office and envy the kids working at J.Crew. Lame, I know. But there it is, one of my life's regrets.

Or working as a lifeguard. I should have worked as a lifeguard in the summers.

Anyone else care to share job regrets?

p.s. I've another one: I regret that I have taken to referring to myself as Bubba (albeit only in my thoughts). For example, I just had an internal conversation with myself that went something like this: "Does Bubba need a little more lunch, or is he full?" "He's full." I hope that I stop mentally calling myself "Bubba" soon.

And I regret sharing the Bubba bit with you.


At 12 May, 2006 14:30, Blogger Unknown said...

I've been having a royally shitty day and the whole Bubba thing made me laugh out loud. Enough that I called Leah to read it to her. She laughed, too. I call myself Roxie. I don't know if that's better or worse.

I think my only work-related regret is ever getting involved with coworkers. One in particular...I'd share it on here but it's so horribly embarrassing that everyone would change their view of me.

At 12 May, 2006 15:27, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Prince William, using the term "while attending University" does not apply here in the states. It is referred to as "college" or the name of the institution you attended. I think your obsession with the BBC is rubbing off my dear chap. Sod off.

*I do have to say that your recent blogs have been bloody brilliant though.

At 12 May, 2006 15:39, Blogger h.justin said...

K, you know I fancy you, right? Ta.

p.s. At least Bubba didn't type "whilst attending uni" as the Brits are prone to do.

At 12 May, 2006 20:58, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a lovely bloke. "How's your father?"

At 15 May, 2006 09:24, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a little late in reading this post. I only wished I would have known about Bubba before the weekend. There were so many situations where I could have used it. "Bubba, aren't you too big for the kid's buffet? ...put those tater tots down!"

At 15 May, 2006 12:15, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bubba, I didn't know you were a Republican!

At 15 May, 2006 15:01, Blogger h.justin said...

And I was surprised to see you at the Utah Repulican Convention as well, aunt. Wasn't that you standing next to Orrin?


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