When I Think About the 80's
I think about the brilliant art of Patrick Nagel. Haven't heard of him? Well, you've seen his works of genius. For example,

I was reminded of Mr. Nagel and his beauties on Friday night when I went to karaoke bar Gino's at 33rd South and State. Go. Red leather booths, Nagel prints, and even some Hollywood memorabilia. And some surprisingly good singers. One young bloke did a a rendition of New York State of Mind that almost made me go Paula Abdul, i.e. tears.
Speaking of Nagel prints, I worked in a law office when I was about 14. Typical office boy. Make copies, buy coffee, pick up lunches, deliver documents, etc. One of the attorneys - probably in his early 30's at the time - decorated his office with Nagels. Would that fly today? I doubt it. And that is reason #32 as to why the 80's were the best decade I've ever seen.
I didn't get a chance yesterday to post a caption to the bird picture - I imagined a caption this contest to solicit The Office jokes and all that, but instead I got stuck in a deposition. Anyway, y'all did a good job without needing any splainin' from me.
I had a Vh1 Celebreality marathon last night. That means - The Surreal Life and My Fair Brady. But, the highlight of my tv viewing was a little gem in the OnDemand section of Comcast. Now listen up - if you go to the "Life & Home" section, and pick "Dating on Demand," and then select "One of a Kind," and then pick user "Mathau" or "jumpwaves" - well, you are in for a treat. Trust me. Go home early today and check it out. Matthau is too good not to share. See his video! Maybe one of you ladies will be inclined to hit him up.
And to Sara Z. - have you read East of Eden, The Fountainhead, and Atlas Shrugged? Also, one of my favourite authors, Wallace Stegner, would be good reading while you are away. I'd say Big Rock Candy Mountain and Recapitulation would get you in a Utah state of mind. That is, if you care to get back into such a state of mind.
Everytime I see a Nagle I think of Robert Palmer's "Simply Irrestible".
Am I imagining this, or does a Nagel play a minor part in the book/movie "Bright Lights, Big City"?
Thanks for the book recs.
I can't believe I missed the My Fair Brady marathon. Why would such a pretty girl get messed up with something like that? I get the whole May/September thing, but he's nasty.
I'm with you, Stella. Christopher Knight is nothing to write home about. Plus he just bugs me for some inexplicable reason.
Really? You think Adrienne is the catch? I read Christopher Knight's imdb biography today - trying to figure out exactly how many times he's been married - and was impressed by his career in the software industry. It made me wonder how such a seemingly smart man got caught up in a mess like Adrienne.
I'm not saying she's a sweet girl, I just think I would like to hang out with her. She has quite the potty mouth. Peter Brady is thrilled to score a piece of ass like that. You gotta admit she's purty, if a bit of a train wreck. I'm sure there are all sorts of cons about marrying a naive 23 year old. I think he's been married twice with no kids.
I think Adrienne would be fun to hang out with - who doesn't love a train wreck every once in a while, but Mr. Knight seems too neurotic, even for me.
If choosing the lesser of the two evils, I'd pick whoever has the most money. Unfortunately, with 2 divorces under his belt, and her modeling career at a, shall we say, standstill, neither seems like much of a catch.
(Justin, remember the 3rd Wife Tank and Panties she was parading around in? Sequins never lie.)
I have a feeling I'm going to regret saying this, but I find Peter Brady (both the teen and the adult) kinda attractive.
Remember: I am old.
Okay, I'm looking at the dating on demand people. jumpwaves ideal date "might trip or slur his words." And I like the way she says "I'm kind of a nympho" like she'd say "I'm kind of a brunette." Oh, I couldn't watch more than five seconds of Mathau. Too painful.
Oh Sara Z - you HAVE to watch Matthau because the scene where he discusses his two dating disasters is priceless. I watched jumpwaves "I'm a nympho" scene about 5 times. You're right - she says it like she's telling her height. And her dream date was altogether too well thought out.
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