Tuesday, March 27, 2007

He's Still Preoccupied

with 1985.

This morning I went to my regular Starbucks. I intended to order a venti iced Americano with room, but wasn't sure whether or not they were serving iced beverages just yet. So instead I ordered a grande with room Americano. I suspect my order was misheard by the barista because he was more involved with flirting with the guy that was ahead of me in line. (Has anyone else noticed that Starbucks appears to be "outing" their baristas by having them post pictures of themselves with a brief "q and a" on bulletin boards in the store? One of the question is "A celebrity you would like to date.") I paid for my drink and then waited for name to be called. I waited. And I waited. And I waited some more. Finally, my name was called, but the drink sounded a little unusual. "Here is that double shot grande drip coffee for Justin." I took the drink because the name was right and I was in a hurry to get to work. But then I processed the exact drink I had taken. A cup with two shots of espresso and at least 12 ounces of black coffee. I am not entirely certain, but I think that drink is a.k.a. a "red eye." It certainly is not the double espresso with 12 ounces of hot water that I ordered.

"My god," I thought, "I'm going to be Alex on Effie's diet pills today."

Who gets the reference? The Family Ties episode where Alex is under too much scholastic pressure and he convinces Mallory to get from her friend Effie some diet pills so that he can pull all nighters and stay awake. I've never forgotten that episode. He cleaned the garage, waxed floors, he did it all. But he also freaked out on Mallory and she had to reign him in. Classic episode.

So as I thinking about Alex and walking up State Street, I caught a glimpse of myself in an office window. Sperry Top Sider shoes, argyle socks, chinos, critter belt, oxford shirt, and Wayfarers. If only I had a knit tie, I'd have been my 10 year old self walking up the street doing a run for my grandpa's law office.

My affinity for the 80's may be manifesting itself a little to blatantly.

So I'm going to risk consuming this drink and turning into speed pill Alex, but actually - and I do not mean this in any way offensive, I fear I will be more like current Michael J. Fox sans medication.

Now, I have some Huey Lewis and the News to download.

Today's Song: At This Moment, Billy Vera and the Beaters


At 27 March, 2007 08:49, Blogger Unknown said...

I fear I will be more like current Michael J. Fox sans medication.

Is it inappropriate that the above statement made me laugh out loud?

And because I've always got opinions on shoes, Sperry Top Siders are very cool.

At 27 March, 2007 08:59, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Justin! Love your blog. That FT episode is epic. I thought I'd leave you a link to complete your Michael J. Fox look...


Thank you again for an amazing time Saturday. You rock...and so did that Pizza!

At 27 March, 2007 09:06, Blogger Sara Z. said...

The red-eye (or shot-in-the-dark as it's called in some cafes) is my favorite morning drink.

Yes. Alex P. Keaton. I hadn't thought of the connection, but I think you may be on to something...

At 28 March, 2007 10:02, Blogger Sarah Bellum said...


At 28 March, 2007 15:20, Blogger stella said...

I've never understood Americanos. I understand how they're made, but do they taste that much different than drip? Do they justify the extra $? I s'pose I should just try one and see..


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