California Adventure
On Friday, I flew to LAX and then checked into the Hollywood Renaissance Hotel at Hollywood and Highland. Here is the view from my room:

My nose is blocking the Hollywood sign. That says alot about the size of my nose.

Here is a better picture, but the sign is so far away, I doubt you can make out the white letters.

On Saturday, I walked to Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf with Jeni and Tom. Tom does not like Phil Collins. So he spat upon Phil's star. I objected citing "No Jacket Required" and the work of Genesis (i.e. the band), but nevertheless he proceeded.
Later I went to Beverly Hills with my mom. We had breakfast at the Fountain Shop in the Beverly Hills Hotel. I thought Dianne Von Furstenburg was sitting near us, but I was wrong. Afterward we went to Edelweiss chocolates (featured in the March 07 Vanity Fair) and the famous Sprinkles cupcake store. Here is a view of the cupcakes:

Later that evening, after a day at the pool and dinner at Musso & Franks, I saw Jodie Foster in a parking lot. I said, "That's Jodie Foster." My mom said, "No, it's not." I said, "Watch this." I walked up to Jodie Foster and, for god knows what possible reason, "I loved you in 'Taxi Driver.'" Jodie Foster said, "Wow, thank you - that's an old one." My mom said, "Okay, you were right." I later figured out that I said "Taxi Driver" because a few days earlier I read the People magazine with the Oscar wrap-up, and Jodie Foster had a quote about Martin Scorsese -who directed her in "Taxi Driver." There is rhyme and reason after all.
Late, late, really late that night, I went to the famous Pinks Hot Dog stand at 711 N. La Brea.
This is the sign:

This is the menu:

This is me in the line with my new friends. The line was about half a mile long, so I was really chatty.

Fortunately, I did not take a photo of what I ate at Pinks. I enjoyed it, but it was kind of like going to Pace's Dairy Ann in Bountiful only with a much, much longer line.
Sunday, I went to the beach. It was a beautiful day.

Monday I went to Disney's California Adventure Park. There was alot of this:

I rode my favourite ride, i.e. The Hotel, which you can see here in the upper right. This picture was taken atop the ferris wheel ride.

That night, everyone in the shops was wearing crazy headgear. I could not figure out what this guy was wearing, but now that I look at it, it appears to be a palm tree with a monkey attached and the monkey is holding a banana. I could be very wrong.

I thought about getting a hat for this weekend, but decided against it (I'd have needed a special locker for it.)

The next day was Disneyland and I wanted to get a vintage Mickey Mouse t-shirt. I couldn't find one. But then I looked in the girls' department and saw this t-shirt:

I decided against buying that too. But I got the pirate do-rag.
Good times, good times.
Some days I want your life.
The Sprinkles cupcakes looked good, but how did they taste?
Sara Z, I know I'm not alone when I say alot of days yours looks pretty damn good.
Aunt, this go-round I only tried the red velvet one. I ate the whole thing. Which means it was super good. But I wouldn't go tpp far out of my way for one.
Love, love, love the pictures. What did you order at Pink's? They just did a special on them on Food Network. The chili cheese dog is supposed to be a classic.
I ordered the chili cheese dog and onion rings. "When in Rome," I thought.
I'm not sure why, but I probably enjoyed this post more than anything else you've written. Straight-forward. Blunt. Humorous. All around good time.
And I agree with sara z.
I love your that friend spit on Phil Collins star. I'm a Phil hater, too.
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