Thursday, June 15, 2006

How old

does one have to be before they can legitimately wear an ascot? Just curious.

Has anyone been to the Starbucks on 4th and 7th lately? I would like to know who the dumb shit is that unofficially started forming a line by the cash register on the left. There is one line at Starbucks - unless the Baristas tell you otherwise - but this has not been the case the last two mornings I've been there. Instead of "soup nazi" order, it's been a free for all. No one, well at least I don't, need that when I'm already late for work.

For the past few months I've been thinking that I should give up my day job and go to work at J. Crew. I thought I would fancy working among young people, listening to great music, and getting discounts on clothing. Last night I realized it ain't for me. Some manager lady (who was probably slightly older than me) was hollering at the workers (who were about my age) "WHERE ARE YOUR LISTS?! GET STARTED ON THE POLOS!!" She was a bitch. And I was inclined to remind her that (a) the store was still open to the public; (b) if the workers were worried about their little lists the couldn't help me find a size; and (c) she should shut the f$#@ up and go on break. But ultimately I wanted to thank her for making me realize that with her as manager, I'd only last a day or two with that job because I would yell back. And you probably aren't supposed to do that. In my current job, if you don't yell back, you lose.

This is an entertaining link. Can you name all the movies that are referenced?

Okay seriously, about that ascot . . .


At 15 June, 2006 09:06, Blogger Unknown said...

I think an ascot really should be worn by someone at least 45 years old and should always be accompanied by a monacle.

Seriously, what the hell is going on at that Starbucks? It's too much chaos for my uncaffeinated mind to deal with at 7:45. Knock it off, loser that started it.

At 15 June, 2006 11:09, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say if you own an ascot and have somewhere to wear it, go for it. If anyone can carry it off, you can, cuckoo.

At 15 June, 2006 12:14, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your comments on the ad-hoc line creation are a MAJOR pet peeve for me.

Most recently, I'm standing at the grocery store in between the two self checkout machines waiting for the first to open up (simple concept, I'm waiting for the FIRST to open since I'm FIRST in line, I should get to go FIRST!!!!!). This bratty little pre-teen girl comes up and stands closer than I am to one of the in-use machines, and her mom gets patiently in line behind me. Pre-teen says "Mom, there's another line right here, I just started a new line, come over heeerrreee." I glare at pre-teen, she avoids my glare guiltlessly. She says this over and over again. Luckily mom shoots her down.

I've seen adults do much worse. I'm currently on a crusade at the local drive-up ATM machine to start the 'one line for all three machines' concept but undoubtedly, someone always inches their car around mine. I just don't get it, I'm clearly NOT filling out a deposit slip or othewise fumbling with my purse. I'm simply wanting to go to the first ATM that opens, why should I have to pick a lane before I know which machine will open?

It pisses me off to no end when the lane they picked opens first and they get in before me (which is usually what happens). Do they have no shame? Well, apparently not because this happens every single time I go to the ATM.

Who's with me here?

I can't comment on the ascot, but I'm glad your J.Crew shift job craving has gone away. After your first $210 paycheck for two solid weeks of work, you would be hating it.

At 15 June, 2006 13:17, Blogger h.justin said...


I'm with you. I've seen the "free for all" potential at my local grocer, but to date everyone has understood and obeyed the proper line procedure.

Similar to the ATM's is the car wash. How are you supposed to know with bay to put your car behind - no one knows who will finish first!

$210?! That's slavery.

At 15 June, 2006 14:20, Blogger stella said...

For you,, I still don't know how to work the hyperlink thing. It's worth cutting and pasting this photo if you need to. That being said, I agree with vt. Ascots are so Merchant/Ivory production. I used to have this raving crush on Julian Sands. Sigh . . .


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