Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Running From the Past

I spent most of the 90's running with a Sony Walkman strapped around my waist. The neoprene carrier looked like a bad belt, but it held the Walkman pretty well. All of my Walkmans were cassette tape players. I never upgraded to the cd player. And I preferred to run to tapes rather than radio, so I couldn't use the arm band that held the much smaller fm only Walkmans. Between 1993 and 2000, I went through probably 4 Walkmans and 6 neoprene belts. I cannot even guess how many running tapes I made. But there were many. I still have most of them, but haven't listened to them in years - who listens to tapes anymore?! In 2000, I moved up to a Sony mini-disc player, and that was replaced in 2004 by an iPod mini. And now it is time to upgrade to this. To look at that, and then remember my Walkman, neoprene belt, and mix tapes - well, I can now picture myself telling "old timer" stories. "When I started running, we didn't have shoes. We ran barefoot. And music? You were lucky if you could sing a song to yourself while you ran. The wind was always blowing, skies were snowing . . . " You get the idea. I never imagined back then that my shoes, Ironman watch, clothes, and music player would eventually be interconnected. Wow.

As for this? I don't understand. At. All.

New feature is "Song of the Day." Today's Song: Roam, B-52's.


At 26 July, 2006 10:53, Blogger Unknown said...

Those runners are idiots.

I've always loved the B-52s. "Roam" reminds me of a slumber party I attended in 7th grade that was raided by boys, including my crush. Aw, good times.

At 26 July, 2006 14:31, Blogger stella said...

That's so badass. I love it.

I had but one "workout tape" that consisted mostly of early 80s tunes. I remember the earphone cord wasn't quite long enough. So, if I was especially vigorous pumping my arms, the ear buds work jerk out of my ears. I briefly considered those huge radio only headphones with a big antennae, so I wouldn't have to deal with a cord. But then my fitness kick ended.


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