Shame On You.

You know the "Shame on You!" "Labor Dispute!" people? They stand outside offices with a big sign that bears the aforementioned language together with a company's name on it? Well, they've been in front of my building for, oh, at least a month. I don't know what the company did to give rise to the labor dispute, but I am amazed at the persistence of these people. They are up and at it everyday by 8:30am and they stand in front of the building with their giant sign until the close of business. Every. Day. Except weekends, of course. I thought this was a local Utah labor group that came up with this idea - I've seen signs in front of several businesses in downtown SLC. However, I actually saw similar demonstrations - with the same signs - in California. It reminded me of the time I was walking to court a few years ago and a man approached me with an empty gas can claiming he needed money to buy gas so that he could get back on the road toward Idaho or Nevada or something. I kept on walking. But then the next day, another man came up to me on the street - also with a gas can - and piched the same line. I wondered if there is a panhandler's newsletter or forum where they offer new techniques to obtain money. For example, "Bill W. from Atlanta suggests carrying around a basket of laundry and requesting money to use a nearby laundromat. He reports that he's brought in up to $55 per day with that scheme."
Also, have you seen the new McDonalds' billboards advertising McDonalds as: "The After After Party". I suppose McDonalds lost some of its late-night drunkard marketing share to Taco Bell and it is nice to see them getting back in the game. Now, if only they delivered - they could capture some of the pizza share.
Holy crap, I've been wishing that McDonald's delivered for YEARS. I'd never have to leave my house.
(Note: that was my dream prior to joining WW. Do I still wish that now? Sure, those molten apple pies are dee-licious)
The "Shame On (insert company name here)" people must also have a good relationship with a printer. Their sign are always huge with a very readable font. I think it must be expensive. Annie would know.
Are these the guys outside the LDS business college? I used to walk by every day. They weren't very good at getting their message across, because I still have no idea what they're against. Reminds me of: this movie theater in San Francisco that was picketed for my ENTIRE CHILDHOOD and into early adolescence.
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