Friday, May 25, 2007


Memorial Day Weekend is probably the best three day weekend of the year. It kicks off three months of pools, sun, golf, patios, etc. It's the opening prayer for a really, super good, enthralling, invigorating church service. (If there is such a thing: I wouldn't know.) Labor Day, then, could possibly be the worst because it is like the closing prayer to that super terrific time. I hate that I count the days to summer, mournfully count the days to the end of summer (only 16 more weekends?!), and then count the days to summer again.

UTA bus drivers seriously think they own the roads. Especially downtown. They pull out, pull in, stop, speed up with complete abandon. They have those signs on them that read "This bus took 70 cars off the road." They should also say, "And those cars are now in body shops for repairs." I loathe them. And while I'm at it, cab drivers really aren't much better. Particularly when they are trolling for fares - in the middle of the afternoon. They don't watch where they are going and just drift in and out of their lane. Note to cab drivers: we don't need you trolling the city streets at 2pm on Tuesday. Troll the streets at 2am on Saturdays. That's when we need you, and yet at that time - you are nowhere to be found!

A washer caught on fire at the laundromat last night. Someone (not me) overloaded the washer and the motor caught fire. Crazy thoughts go through your head when a washer catches fire. Like, "I hope that was a white load and not a permanent press or colored load." White loads are just easier (and cheaper) to replace.

And evidently TALL is the new PINK. Has anyone else seen the man riding his bicycle around town - and the seat is at least - at least - 7 feet from the ground. It's like a bike with a lift kit. He's the new pink man, I think. I'll try for a picture.

I hope everyone enjoys the upcoming service, and I say these things . . . just kidding.

Today's Song: Six-Pack Summer, Phil Vassar


At 25 May, 2007 09:22, Blogger Unknown said...

I've seen the TALL guy! He's great, as is the unicycle guy that ties his pants cuffs with fluorescent green shoe laces.

At 25 May, 2007 12:39, Blogger Georgeory said...

I completely agree about the buses and have been thinking the same thing lately.

Also, just yesterday, I couldn't figure out why the taxi next to me at a light was in such a hurry at 7:40 a.m. Why he had to creep into the intersection further and further is a mystery. His whole car was in the intersection before the light was even close to turning green.

At 25 May, 2007 13:35, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pool opens in 27 minutes! I don't know how lenient your office's 'sick day policy' is, but, well, just think about it...

At 25 May, 2007 13:40, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salt Lake has taxi's and roving entertainment now? I've been away too long.

Summer is great-I heartily agree. But I can't help feel lots of pressure to maximize every moment. Every minute I am not actively doing something great, I feel I am failing myself and will never get that precious summer afternoon or weekend day back. I wish I didn't feel that way.

In the winter, it's an accomplishment if I just make it home at the end of the day without freezing to death or getting in a car accident. Having fun is secondary to survival.

Happy Birthday Monday Justin!


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