Is it Memorial Day yet?

After the nasty weather of April 6, 2006, young Beck and I didn't imagine we'd be swimming in SLC two days later. We had a great time. So did Beck's sister Ava, mum Stella, and friend b-lo. Ella and her parents stopped by, as did Beck's dad, but no group photos were taken. Is it Memorial Day yet? It sure felt like it. (Alright, it was a little chilly at times.)
Check out the old school Ray-Bans, very Risky Business.
Obviously, SLC is not the place for you. The whining and complaining about the weather is proof of that. Suck it up.
You and Beck looked like Mocha and Skim milk next to each other. My question is if you are this tan to start the summer, how will you look by the end? You'll have to wear reflective clothing at night.
The camera phone pictures don't accurately represent skin color. Beck isn't seared red and I'm not the color of Ella.
Nobody complains about the weather more than me. Not even Justin. Also, I intend to keep Beck the color of skim milk throughout the summer. And somebody please tell me how to use HTML tags with a Mac. I thought they were made for that sort of thing.
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