Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Dead Week.

I always think of the week between Christmas and New Year as "Dead Week". It's like college when nothing really pressing is going on and no one really knows what they should be doing - although everyone has plenty of ideas about what they want to be doing.

I had a great Christmas and hope everyone else out there did too. A special thank you to all my family and friends that made it a great holiday all around. Giftwise, I got a Nintendo Wii for Christmas. I couldn't help but think of all the disappointed boys and girls out there that were not as lucky as me to find a Wii under their tree. Seriously, people were getting killed for that video game system this year. And people were paying 50% above retail price on eBay for the Wii in the days leading up to Christmas. After learning about my Wii, my new Nintendo DS, and new Razr V3x phone, my 11 year old cousin Lyndsie asked me, "How many toys do you have, Justin?" I told her, "All of them."

Which reminds me of that old store in Crossroads called Execu-Toy or something. It was a toy store for yuppies. Who remembers it? Anyway, they had alot of products with the phrase "He Who Dies With The Most Toys Wins." I don't subscribe to that philosophy, but it naturally came to mind.

I saw Dreamgirls yesterday. My money is on Jennifer Hudson to win an Oscar. She was the high point of the picture. Beyonce was good too. However the movie seemed to just plod along without much plot. I should have seen the Pursuit of Happyness instead.

Finally, for those of you keeping score, my Big Brain Academy high score is now 1,452 grams. Grade B; brain of Investor. Top that, if you can.

Today's Song: And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going, Jennifer Hudson (Download it.)


At 27 December, 2006 12:48, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your "dead week" idea. I've always thought we should have a "national holiweek." Like a holiday but for a week. Start it around Christmas and end it January 2nd. It seems like such a good idea. Everyone's just waiting for the year to end at that point anyway. Might as well wait on vacation. Who's with me?

At 27 December, 2006 13:55, Blogger Sarah Bellum said...

dead week sounds nice, but in reality i found myself watching an episode of full house. apparently, downtime is not good for me.

so when is the gamer party? we're all very jealous and i think it's only fair you share.


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