Friday, February 09, 2007

London Calling

While running last night, I thought back to my time living in London. I thought about the five things I missed the most when living there, and they were:

1. Running above the Avenues.
2. Driving a car.
3. Country music.
4. Las Vegas.
5. Large grocery stores.

(I missed family and friends, too, of course, but am taking them as read.)

Coincidentally, the five things* I miss about life in London are:

1. Running in Hyde Park.
2. Public transport in general, and the tube in particular.
3. British radio stations.
4. Pubs.
5. Small inner-city grocery stores.

Smart car is coming to America. And I want to be first in line to buy one.

Today's Song: No Tomorrow, Orson

*Obviously, the list isn't exhaustive.


At 13 February, 2007 09:26, Blogger Sara Z. said...

you're required to post to your blog today to let us know you're okay.

At 24 February, 2007 21:57, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi there,

I would appreciate if you could reference the official smart car site in your blog post. Thanks so much.



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