Pretty Pitcher

This is the picture I talked about yesterday. This camera phone shot doesn't do it justice.
"Shut up Angela!" I have been waiting all season for a Meredith moment on the Office. Last night, she came through for me. Love her.
Question about GA: George and Callie impulsively run-off to Las Vegas and get married - presumably right after he asked her. Meanwhile, an 8 million dollar free clinic seemingly comes together overnight. The two storylines do not mesh and I call that irresponsible writing.
Today's Song: Stomp, Brothers Johnson
Justin! That is beautiful. Somehow it totally catches the feel of that stretch of North Temple. With the telephone wire and the gloomy colors. I love it.
I didn't watch The Office yet. I can't wait to see Meredith, I wish they gave her more lines. Although her wordless eating of the hand sanitizer was priceless.
h.justin.... didn't you listen to the first part of Grey's? Izzie did a voice over talking about various things, including "8 weeks later we had the free clinic" -- so, does that help explain the timeline? It wasn't "a week" for the clinic to be built. TV very rarely runs on "normal" time (look at soap operas, a day can take 5 days to play out, or a 10 year old can become an 18 year old in two months) .
Anonymous: Actually, my DVR started late and I did not catch the first couple minutes of the show. So I missed Izzie's explanation and that does clarify about the clinic. But it doesn't clarify the George and Callie bit. How soon after he proposed did they elope? Why did they keep their engagement secret? I just don't think those two story lines mesh. Nor does the Burke/Christina storyline. Christina sat on Burke's proposal for eight weeks - two months? Again, just doesn't jive with the clinic bit. IMHO. The funny thing is - on the Grey's Writer's blog - they answered readers questions not too long ago, and one of the questions was "How much time has passed on the show from when the interns entered the program until now" and the writer said something like "less than a year" - so they are playing really fast and loose with time, I think.
They didn't really explain George and Callie. There was just some reference to George "being on vacation". They don't explain how long after he proposed until the marriage. Maybe we'll get more in the weeks to come. And yeah, I can see Christina sitting on the engagement for two months... she's that type of person, she even said that she's not a "ring" person. Silly girl... you don't give back diamonds.
Stella and Greg,
You both know, I think, that I loved that hand sanitizer moment so much that I reenacted it at the Las Vegas airport in September. And I very nearly vomitted on baggage carousel 4. Nice of the airport to offer hand sanitizer though.
Ok H.Justin. I owe you an apology. I "seriously" thought that Izzie said "8 weeks" -- but, I just started watching the replay and she did say "8 days, 8 Million dollars" --- Sorry. You were right, they are playing fast and loose with the time rules. That sucks.
8 Days! My DVR cut that off too. I can't even get promotional pens ordered in 8 days. Imagine computers, beds, linens, medical equipment, and even staff. Lame indeed.
By the way, is anyone else ever bugged by the beautiful navy and brown and burgandy linens in the hospital shows like Grey's? Blood and vomit and worse don't bleach out of NAVY sheets!
b-lo, I'm bugged the colored sheets, too. I thought I was the only person that noticed something like that.
Nip/Tuck does it too. I'm guessing it's because white doesn't film well, but I'd believe baby blue before I'd buy deep brown.
Georgeory, well, gross.
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