Friday, March 30, 2007

CDs and Vibrators

The other night I was at Brookstone at Trolley Square. Did you know they sell cds? Well, they do. And they even have a listening station. A featured cd was Chicago's Greatest Hits, and the collection was rather comprehensive. Well, comprehensive in the sense that it had both 25 to 6 to 4 and Hard Habit to Break on it. I almost bought it on the spot if only for Wishing You Were Here. I didn't buy it, however, because the cd was SEVENTEEN DOLLARS. Come on. Maybe cds could retail for $17 or more circa 1991, and even circa 1998, but aren't those days over? In my opinion, in this age of music piracy, cds should retail for, say, $9 to $12. Anything over $15, IMHO, is ridiculous. Why Brookstone thinks they can sell cds for such an outrageous price, I do not know. Are they not making enough money off their vibrators? I mean "personal massagers"?

I later went to iTunes and looked up the Chicago collection. They had a Chicago's greatest hits cd - The Very Best of Chicago with 39 songs - for get this, $11.99. Done. Buy now. Because that is good price.

Today's Song: Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is, Chicago


At 30 March, 2007 11:11, Blogger Lincoln said...

I heart Brookstone. At one point my friends and I renamed it to "Cool Gadgets and Other Shit."


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