Phyllis Owned NBC Last Night.
I laughed so hard at the post-beauty parlor scene that I scared myself. She is the love. I tried to find a screen grab on-line, but couldn't. Hopefully everyone saw it.
I can't believe it but I am actually a fan of My Name is Earl. I came to that game pretty late. I think Joy steals every scene. She is the love, too.
With all the talk of David Beckham, aka The $250 Million Dollar Man, I had to dig this up out of the archives:

So there's that.
It's way too cold. But honestly, I have a hard time telling the difference between 30 degrees and 18 degress. Once it's under forty, it's all pretty much the same to me.
Today's Song: Passion Play, William Fitzsimmons (from last night's GA)
"Once it's under forty, it's all pretty much the same to me." I've been saying that for years. Don't tell me a number once it dips below 32, or tops 100. Just tell me it's damn cold or damn hot.
cold is cold. i don't want to know the actual temp. anytime i can see my breathe outside i know i'm going to be miserable.
I saw Becks on an interview this morning. He seems like a nice man. I was surprised at how soft spoken he was. Not to mention hot hot hot.
I used to say the same thing. However, after I had to hang Christmas lights in negative 20 degree weather (when I worked at Big Sky Ski Resort) I was able to get some perspective. Twenty degrees is warm now. I swear.
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