the Comfort of Strangers
Monday, June 30, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Taking you back to the Old School
cause I'm an old fool who's so cool . . .
Alright, in my senior year of high school, the super hip look was a Polo shirt, Marithe Francois Girbaud denim shorts, a braided leather belt, and Birkenstocks (preferrably with ragwool socks). Yeah, that's right. I don't think that look was peculiar to my high school because I visited a few other schools wear that look was also rocked. Because Girbaud jeans were so popular and everyone had to have them, I decided I wasn't ever going to own a pair. Too trendy. And I held to that. Never bought a pair. Though I'm sure I tried a few on at JMR (John Michael Richard, right?). You know, so I could particpate in the trend without being a part of it. I had the Polo shirt and the leather braided belt. I did not, however, have a pair of Birkenstocks. Instead, I opted for a less common leather sandal. (Man, this is gripping, isn't it, stick with me.) But I nevertheless always had my eye on the chocolate leather Milano style of Birkenstock. I looked at them often at Nordstrom, but never broke down and bought a pair. I can't remember the reason, but surely it was a good one. As the years have come and gone since that senior year of high school, everytime summer arrives, I think about those damn Milano sandals. And every year, the thought passes without any action on my part.
SO WHY IS IT THIS YEAR THAT I THINK I REALLY WANT THOSE SHOES? I fear it's a recognition of how many summers have come and gone since my high school senior year. And I'm trying to strip away the years with a pair of hippie sandals. Could that be it? Should I give in? Would I have to go to REI for that purchase? And then dig out my Grateful Dead cd?
Okay, enough of that.
This weekend I plan to:
1. Go to the gym on Saturday morning.
2. Go to Lagoon A Beach.
3. Reacquaint myself with Ava and Beck.
4. Attend a housewarming party.
5. Maybe go to a concert.
6. Do some laundry.
7. Dust.
8. Go to bed at reasonable hours.
9. Repot a flower pot.
10. Not freak out if I don't accomplish 1, 6, 7, 8, and 9 in order to focus on 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Finally, the missing picture from my last post is this:

Today's Song: Everybody Wants to Rule the World, Tears for Fears
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
This and that
I went to Starbucks on 4th and 7th this morning. A couple of Ampco workers were going around marking tires in the parking lot. They marked my tire while I was inside Starbucks - for all of about 4 minutes. So I wanted to mow them down with my car. I hate that strip center, but I really hate Ampco.
While in Starbucks I got one of those "Pick of the Week" iTunes download cards. When I got to the office, I logged into iTunes to redeem it. Before I got around to actually redeeming, however, I saw that Gavin Rossdale's cd is newly released on iTunes. So I listened to Mr. Bush/Stefani for a minute. Was fine, nothing noteworthy in my opinion. And then I saw that Ryan Cabrera had a new cd out because listeners of Mr. Rossdale also purchased Mr. Cabrera. That led me to Google Ryan because I wanted to see if he still had that hair. You know the porcupine/flat iron creation from his "On the Way Down" days? Well, he doesn't. Now, he has this hair. (He is still managed by Papa Joe. In fact, that is the name of the music label "Papa Joe Records".)
Last night at Gateway, I was surprised to see that women/girls are still dolling themselves up in cocktail dresses and big girl shoes to go and see Sex and the City: The Movie. Interestingly, I did not see anyone dressed in tattered clothes with skin painted green.
Today's Song: Dream, Priscilla Ahn (It's the Starbucks Pick of the Week - I haven't downloaded it yet. I got distracted, you know.)
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
True Story
A friend of mine had a great court experience yesterday. Here is a colloquy between her client and the judge:
Judge: How many children do you have?
My client (Frank): 9
Judge: By how many different women?
Frank: 9. 9 different "associates."
Judge: 9 children by 9 different women.
Frank: No, by 9 different "associates."
Judge: Were they by men?
Frank: No, by 9 different "associates."
Judge: okay, whatever....
Judge: When did you last work?
Frank: I never did done work. I hustled.
Judge: You hustled?
Frank: Yes
Judge: What did you hustle?
Frank: You know
Judge: No, I don't. Drugs?
Frank: Sometimes, sometimes women, sometimes car parts.
Judge: You hustled drugs, women and car parts
Frank: I HUSTLE drugs, women and car parts.
Judge: You still do this?
Frank: Yes, with my associates.
Judge: What were you in jail for?
Frank: Possession with intent
Judge: Of what?
Frank: Crack - but it was my associate's.
Judge: The crack was really crack owned my one of your children's mothers or one of the people you hustle with?
Frank: No, by one of my associates.
Judge: But aren't your associates your children's mothers?
Frank: Not in this case.
Judge: But aren't your associates the people you hustle with?
Frank: Not in this case.
Judge: You have used associate a whole lot - for children's mothers, for those you hustle with and those who hold your drugs. Is that what you mean by associate?
Frank: Kind of. Well, like my attorney is my associate.
Judge: No, your attorney is AN associate at a law firm.
Frank: I guess, but she is my associate too. And a GOOOOD one.
Judge: So your attorney is a mother of your children, hustles with you and maybe has been in possession of your drugs?
Frank: Long, Long pause. Ohh, no, she is my friend. Associates are my friends. Don't you know anything?
Today's Song: Over and Over, Nelly