Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Is anyone in costume today? I'm not, but I'd like to know if you are or your office mates are or your kids are. Declare yourselves in the comments.

My favourite Halloween costume ever is the Batman costume my mom made for me when I was five. I think I wore it as everyday wear until I finally grew out of it. And were I to dress up today, I would first consider a superhero costume.

I need some candy right now.

Today's Song: Twilight, Twighlight Singers

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Multimedia message

This is how it feels sometimes.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


In the words of Restless Heart:

Why does it have to be wrong or right

Why does it have to be one way or the other

Won't somebody please please tell me

Why does it have to be black or white

Why do we have to hurt one to love another

Oh tell me why; why does it have to be

Today's Song: I Can Only Imagine, MercyMe (my favourite hymn)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Post Root Canal

Wow. Look at that swollen jaw. Me thinks I look like the Muppet Guy Smiley from old school Sesame Street.

Todays Song: Smile Like You Mean It, The Killers (EDIT: Today's Song is actually Our House, Phantom Planet. I've seen five movies in the past few days and the trailer for Margot at the Wedding played before each one and this song is in the trailer.)

Monday, October 22, 2007

Hannah Montana?!

Seriously? Come on.

I went looking for Dashboard Confessional/Augustana tickets, but it's all Miley Ray Cyrus/Hannah Montana going on.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Into the Wild.

In August, I was sitting in a deposition and an attorney from out of state asked if anyone knew of a nice scenic drive he could take that would afford him lovely mountain views. One of the local attorneys suggested that he drive to Silver Lake up Big Cottonwood Canyon. Silver Lake is located at the top of Big Cottonwood Canyon near Brighton. The lake is surrounded by a wooden walkway. The drive up the canyon is, of course, very scenic. The local attorney recommended that the out of state attorney take alot of insect repellant because there would be alot of mosquitoes. As I sat there listening to this recommendation, I couldn't help but wonder, "Why have I never done that?" Couldn't come up with a good reason, so I decided I was going to do it right away. I thought I would do it before the end of August. Didn't happen. Figured I would do it in September when the leaves were changing. Again, didn't happen. October, I thought, I can still do it in October. Again, I just didn't seem to get around to it.

But then yesterday, I saw Into the Wild. And I tell you what: that film moved me to see some nature. So this morning, I decided to head up to Silver Lake. I was fully aware that the area would be covered with snow and that I'd missed my chance to see Autumn colors, but I wasn't bothered because the snow covered mountains would more closely resemble the winter landscape of Alaska featured in the film I saw yesterday.

Wow. It really was a pretty drive up the canyon, and the lake and scenery? For get about it. I can't believe I waited so long to do the trip. And it was so easy! The trip from my flat, to the lake, around the lake, to the lodge for refreshment, and back to my flat took less than three hours. So, I highly recommend it as a quick afternoon adventure for those days when you need a hit of nature, but when Park City or the like isn't nature-y enough.

I documented my brief adventure with my camera phone (I'm so Ansel Adams), so here you go:

On my drive both up and down the canyon, I resolved to embrace winter this year and try to fully appreciate it. To that end, I'm thinking about getting new ski equipment and a season ski pass. After all, it's really the skiers/boarders that know how to appreciate winter in general and snow in particular. (I don't delude myself, however. I know without question that I will be complaining about freezing temperatures, gray skies, and snow three weeks into winter and won't stop until March/April.)

Today's Songs: I listened to Bloc Party's Sunday (trust me: download this!); Tori Amos' Bouncing Off Clouds; Joni Mitchell's Both Sides Now; and the Theme from Terms of Endearment.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Lesson Learned the Hard Way

You know, I don't think I learn lessons anyway other than the hard way.

For example, this lesson: Do not attempt to take a picture of yourself while riding a herky jerky ride such as the Wild Mouse at Lagoon. You will hit a crazy turn and your Blackberry Pearl will go flying out of your hand and fly at an alarming speed to the hard asphalt three feet below. And then you will watch completely helpless (because you are stuck on the ride) as people run over to it and inspect the damage.

However, this lesson was also learned: Invest in Blackberry Pearls. I kid you not, by some divine technological miracle, the phone survived and works perfectly. Seriously. What are the chances?

In other news, Happy Birthday Jim.

And in other news, I hear the cinnamon butter at Texas Roadhouse is pretty damn awesome. I haven't yet tried it myself.

Today's Song: Ignition, R. Kelly (dedicated to Uncle)

Monday, October 15, 2007

Multimedia message

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Multimedia message

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Multimedia message

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Right On Track

is that gonna get you back? Is that gonna get you back? Well I could move out to the left for awhile or I could slide to the right for awhile . . .

When I started this post, I was going to talk about how I went running last night for the first time since July(!) and how I was going to title the post "Back on Track". But when I thought "Back on Track", I heard the lyrics to Breakfast Club's Right on Track in my head. So I went to iTunes to download that song. I don't mind spending a dollar at iTunes here and there for an obscure 80's hit because I get most of my cutting edge current hits for free from the internets. iTunes didn't have the song. So I had to go out and find it for free on the internets. And I did. Some blogger in some Spanish speaking country had posted it. Gracias, senor.

Anyway, yeah, yesterday I deemed my foot sufficiently healed from the summer injury to go running. And I went over four solid miles with no problem. So, see, I am back on track.

While running along 11th Avenue a great song came on my iPod. The Alternate Routes, Time is a Runaway. Have you heard this song? I don't think I previously had. In fact, I don't even know how it got on my iPod. However, with lyrics like "Roll your windows down the summer's nearly gone, And only hours stand between you and the cold that's coming on, You count your questions in the sky lit blue, And every color there is telling you - Time is a runaway, Coming for you; In my dreams I see in red, she cannot stay, The summer leaves you like the girl who gets away, And we sit here stranded in the careless hue, And every color that is telling you; Time is a runaway, Coming for you . . ." It suited the moment perfectly.

I watched Rosemary's Baby. Mia Farrow = pretty cute. Movie = pretty strange.

I am about done with Dexter season 1, and I guess I like the show, but I really don't like Michael C. Hall's narration. It's seems a lazy way to develop the character.

I finished Celebrity Detox. I felt cheated.

If you've been to Costco lately, maybe you've seen the Terra chips "Bloody Mary Flavor." Well, let me tell you: they aren't as good as you'd expect. But better than regular chips.

Last night at the market, I purchased, among other things, an item that was originally marked $7.99, but was on sale for $5.99. I paid for the items, looked at my receipt, and the on sale item rang up as full price. I actually debated whether it was worth the hassle to get the $2 back. Of course, I did go through the hassle and I did get my $2 back. However, I was really disappointed that I even hesitated to do so. $2 is a big deal. It paid for my coffee this morning!

Today's Song: Right On Track, Breakfast Club

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

How I Spent My Weekend,

or "Look, Anonymous, I stepped up my game so screw your 'Yawns'."

On Friday afternoon, I had to deliver some important pleadings to opposing counsel. In Ogden. I don't trust this particular attorney (not just because of the office in Ogden), and so I took a witness with me to attest to my delivery of the pleadings. B-lo had the day off so she played witness. I delivered the pleadings, and the boring part of the story is over.

Next, I decided to tackle a goal I've had for quite a while: a 25th Street pub crawl. If you don't know about Ogden's HISTORIC 25th Street, Google it or Wiki it. That's not my story to tell.

First stop (after a late lunch/early dinner at Roosters), was Kokomo Club (well, first stop was actually a place called Brewski's, but I didn't like the looks of it so it was a walk in, pivot, walk out situation).

Here is Kokomo Club:

Go ahead right now and get "Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I wanna take ya, Key Largo, Bahamas come on pretty mama" right out of your head. The place had a nice jukebox (oddly, no Kokomo, however), videogames, cheap prices, and a rough clientele. In fact, the clientele, well one client in particular, was so rough that a strange girl/woman first threatened to kill B-Lo in the bathroom, and then hollered at me that I was "in the wrong bar." I call that ambience. B-lo calls the manager. She got that rough yeti thrown out.
B-lo and I settled in to play the videogames. You know in Season 2 of Big Love how Bill buys the business that distributes videogames for clubs and bars? Well, this was a low, low budget version of one of those. The highlight was a game with a little lady monkey sitting in a bar. The bartender slides drinks at her and she drinks everyone that comes her way. So long as she is sitting upright on the stool. It's the player's job to keep her balanced on the barstool and feed her water every now and then so she can keep drinking. So basically it was like Stella was right there with us. (I kid, Stella, I kid. More like Leah.)

Here's a shot of the game. Seriously, you should play this game.

The bathrooms were as rough as the clientele. Brace yourselves for a shot of the men's room:

Your eyes aren't deceiving you: that is a trough. I haven't seen (or used one of those) in a VERY LONG TIME. Maybe the last time I went to a rodeo. In Wyoming. Above the trough is a vending machine. You want to know what's in it, don't you? Here you go:

I paid fifty cents to satiate your curiosity. That is a patriotic tickler. Way better than your average flag lapel pin for advertising patriotism. And you would expect there to be alot of patriots in the place. With guns. (EDIT: Looking at that novelty up close, I see it is actually a French tickler - figures - so nevermind the patriotric bit.) I figured there were gun toting Americans amongst us due to the presence of this guy:

No, no not me. The venison above. See? That means patriots in the house.

I played quite a few songs on the jukebox. A sampling: Pleasure Principle, Janet Jackson; Vienna, Billy Joel; Lonesome Loser, Little River Band; Hysteria, Def Leppard; a Journey song; and an odd mix of mid to late 90's hits that were inexplicably present). It's a long ride from Ogden to downtown SLC, so we called it a night after Kokomo.

That brings me to Saturday. A rather productive cleaning/organizing/sorting day for me including a drop-off at Deseret Industries. I went through my cassette tape collection (you remember those, right?), and threw out all dubbed copies of albums. I kept all mix tapes. I then sorted original cassettes into a double stack case. And lamented what to do with it. In this age of cds, iTunes, and digital downloads, I really have no use for tapes. And I'm not even certain there is a demand for tapes in any circle or fringe group. I've never heard anyone say they prefer cassette tapes over cds, generally it's just LPs vs. cds and digital downloads. So I thought about eBaying the whole thing, but that's not really my scene. I buy from eBay, but I have yet to sell on eBay. I think I will post my casette tape inventory on here in the coming days, and you, dear readers, can tell me if I should bother selling or simply just depose.

I also cleaned out the contents of a rarely used digital camera. The last picture I took:

That's Beck. And, well, yeah he really doesn't look like that anymore. In fact, I don't remember him ever looking like that. Clearly I haven't used that camera in quite a while.

As a reward for my good, hard cleaning work, I went to the Rachael Yamagata/Mandy Moore concert at the Avalon Theater. Yes, you read that right. That Mandy Moore. I really like Rachael Yamagata, but wasn't to sure about Mandy. I was initially put-off by the fact that she dated Wilmer Valderama. Zach Braff, that's fine. Susie reminded me that she also dated Andy Roddick, so I forgave the WV bit. Anyway, the concert was really good. Surprisingly good. She's super sweet.

But, that's not the exciting part of the night. In between Rachael's set and Mandy's set I walked across the street to a place called The Dawg Pound. Sort of a meeting place for the really, quintessentially cultured, hip, educated people of Salt Lake City. They serve fine refreshments like this:

Further evidence of the witty, intellectual, refined nature of this establishment
was this sign in the men's room:

(Clint Lewis, if you want me to take this down, just e-mail. Though quite frankly, it looks like you're doing a-okay with your shooting game.)

Now, ladies and gentlemen, as we say in the law, "The sign speaks for itself." (For context, it was right above a urinal. But you probably figured that out. Sign speaks for itself.)

Further, with respect to Mandy, she came and she gave without taking:

Actually, that might be Rachael. You see, Rachael was wearing a silver baby-doll dress and I swear she looked like a tin foil dinner. You know with the hamburger, potatoes, carrots, onions? Some A-1 sauce around her neck would have been the perfect accessory. Especially up Mueller Canyon.

Sunday was pretty quiet. You see, I went to conference:

Not really, but as you can tell, I came pretty damn close. For breakfast I had cappuccino, a soft baked chocoloate chip cookie, and Haagen Daz:

(No, I am not Bridget Jones.)

When it was time for lunch, I made hamburger soup - from scratch. Check it:

No, it's not pretty, but it suited the day.

Late afternoon, I rented a couple discs of season 1 of Dexter
and also Rosemary's Baby- which I've never seen (and still have yet to - maybe tonight).

And that, in a photographic nutshell, was my weekend. Certainly more than an anonymous YAWN but ever so much less than a banshee SCREAM.

And because I've been quiet for over a week now, I'll share a couple things I've been thinking about:

1. Where are the Gap TV adverts? It's like, all of a sudden, they stopped doing Fall Into the Gap tv campaigns with Earth Wind & Fire singing September.

2. Those billboards all over town that show a picture of a woman and the phrase: "Hit A Pedestrian - Change Your Lives". I understand that they probably mean change your lives for the worse, but come on. We, as consumers, have been trained that "Change Your Life" in advertising is usually a selling point, not a warning. Not good ad.

3. I am currently reading Rosie's Celeb Detox. I like her.

4. I am thankful for all the people out there who, unlike me, take an active interest in their blog and update it regularly. I appreciate that, and hope you don't mind my lurking and taking without giving.

Today's Song: 1, 2, 3, 4 aka Sumpin' New, Coolio

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Helpful hint.

When leaving a phone number in a voicemail message, sssslllllloooooowwwww down. And say it twice. It is so frustrating when someone leaves a message and then at the end they spit out the phone number as a fast as they can.

Today's Song: Rainy Day People, Gordon Lightfoot
