Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Let's Try It Again; From the Top - More Energy This Time

(I hope that doesn't sound dirty. I just meant my last post was so boring, I thought I should give it another go.)

My senior year of university, I interned at the Utah House of Representatives. I really enjoyed the gig. But those Utah politicians . . . pretty crazy, huh? Don't get me started. Anyway, one day, one of the representatives littered our intern inboxes with a pamphlet that was chock-full of right-wing, religious zealot propaganda. And I didn't like it. But because I was a lowly intern, there wasn't much I could do about it. I couldn't complain to anyone really, and what would they do anyway? Reprimand a representative? Not likely. So I got creative. I sent that pamphlet to Rolly & Wells at the Salt Lake Tribune with a detailed explanation of what had happened. It was in the next day's column. I thought I was a political bad ass.

B-Lo, however, is a gossip bad ass. She made D Listed today! Not as news, but as a news source. Her little Michael K gave her proper credit and everything. So cheers to her.

B-Lo and I are in a bit of row as of late because I have come to favor Perez as a source for celebrity news as opposed to D Listed. Perez's white drawings on photos notwithstanding, I think MK is a bit too vulgar and more importantly, the stories generally hit Perez first. And really, that's what I'm in it for - the late breaking, up to the minute, exclusive news coverage.

Now, where does Arnold Drummond live again?

Are these the "Dog Days of Summer"?

Because it sure feels like it to me. But even though it is hot and sunny and all the pools are open, I'm still able to day dream about this awesome cruise. Seriously, how great would that be?

My foot is still broken. Probably not broken, broken, but still very painful. I walk like Virgil in The Usual Suspects. Full on gimp. I am thinking about getting a cane.

My cable was out for over a week and it finally came back on yesterday. (When my neighbors moved out and disconnected their service, mine got turned off as well.) To commemorate the occasion of restored service, I saw the pilot episode of The Flight of the Conchords. I liked it well enough.

Yaaawwwnnnn! I'm really boring even myself today. I hope everyone else is faring better.

Today's Song(s): This Must Be the Place (Naiive Melody), Shawn Colvin covering Talking Heads (Colvin and John Hiatt are in concert tonight at The Depot - anyone have an extra ticket?); La Cienega Just Smiled, Ryan Adams (in concert tonight at Red Butte - plenty of tickets available, apparently); Over My Head (Cable Car), The Fray (in concert tonight at E Center - plenty of tickets available, apparently)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Summer Rain

drove me to the pictures last night. To see Once. Months ago, Stella started talking about how she wanted to see it, how well reviewed it was, and how good the soundtrack was. But I never got around to seeing it. Until last night.

Yawn. It was charming, I guess, in a New Yorker short story kind of way, but I really was underwhelmed. And I wasn't crazy about the music. Except for one song - Say It To Me Now.

Then I saw Broken English because I was at the theater anyway. With Parker Posey as the lead, I thought it would be pretty good. Look, I don't mind a show about one woman's journey back to herself . . . with dignity. But this one was all over the board. Like three movies in one. The clothes were good.

At least I didn't waste daylight hours seeing these films.

This line from DListed's post about Johnathan Lipniski killed me today: "He's actually not that bad...I mean I'd.....watch a Disney movie with him. You ain't getting me Chris Hansen!!!!!" So maybe Michael K is better than Perez after all.

Today's Song: Maniac, Michael Sembello (I wonder whether I, too, am reaching the danger zone where the dancer becomes the dance.)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Motionless Exercise

Loads of people say it works. I say Greer Childers is a goddess.

See her in action.

Today's Son: Summertime, Kenny Chesney

Monday, July 23, 2007

One More Thing

Yesterday at Starbucks I looked at the price of a venti drip coffee - $1.70. Then I looked at the price of a venti iced coffee - $2.55. EIGHTY FIVE CENTS MORE FOR ICE? So I asked the barrista, "Why is a venti hot coffee $1.70, but a venti iced coffee $2.55?" With a shrug of her shoulders and a rolling of the eyes, she replied, "Different cups for the iced."

I call bullshit on that. I'm going to Google this and see what other people have found out about the price difference between these essentially the same drinks.

Done. I love the internet.

Plenty of Topics

but not enough discipline to fill in the details.

I suppose I've got loads I could blog about today, for example:

1. Trip to LA
2. Trip to OC
3. Not minding having a convertible PT Cruiser on trips to LA and OC
4. Return trip to Pinks
5. Honking the Pinks because my body literally rejected all the fried food.
6. Trip to Sun Valley
7. The beauty of huckleberry flavoured vodka
8. The dangers of huckleberry flavourted vodka
9. A lost Blackberry Pearl
10. Loads of embarrassing photos on the lost Blackberry Pearl
11. A terribly injured foot
12. Golfing with a terribly injured foot
13. A new Blackberry Pearl
14. Assisting with the presentation of a $35,000 check at the halftime show of a Real game ("I could totally handle the Oscars.")
15. A family friendly fireworks show set to Pinks U + UR Hand
16. Trips to three Instacares (don't get me started)
17. Hamburger Helper stroganoff flavour made with creme fraiche instead of milk

I'm too lazy to give life to any of those little stories. Instead, I am sitting here looking out my office window marveling at all of the people camping out for tomorrow's Pioneer Day parade. Even when I was a little kid I did not understand the draw of camping out on city streets to see a parade.

Today's Song: (You Want To) Make A Memory, Bon Jovi

Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Sweet Post

I'm fairly confident that I don't know anyone that would have a license plate frame that reads:

"Hand Over the Chocolate . . . and No One Gets Hurt."

I saw that gem on a car today.

I like my chocolate dark, and my candy tart. No, not so much tart as burn-your-tongue-off acidic. Citric acid is probably my favourite ingredient, but I like malic acid too. In case you were curious.

Today's Song: Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters, Elton John

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Do you ever get the feeling

that you're just an angel flying too close to the ground? I don't remember which Willie Nelson song that lyric is from, but I do know that when you get a call on a summer afternoon inquiring whether you are interested in seeing Willie Nelson later that night in Wendover - you just say yes. And then try to recall whether your red bandana is clean and if your braids need re-braiding. I said yes, and my red bandana is fairly clean. I have, however, no braids whatsoever.

On the road again. I just can't wait to get on the road again. I will not be drinking anymore Boone's Farm. I am relieved though that Boone's Farm is not a bum wine, so if I felt at liberty to drink some, I wouldn't feel shamed in doing so.

Alot of people are complaining about the heat. Don't get them started. Don't even get them started. Me? I don't mind the heat.

That's about all I have for today. Except that I finally saw "Hey Paula!" on Bravo. She's just really, really tired, I guess. And that equals train wreck. Or maybe she too is just an angel flying to close to the ground.

Today's Song: Pancho & Lefty, Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings

Monday, July 09, 2007

Weekend Likes and Dislikes*

A quick drive to St. George
Friendly locals at The One & Only on Thursday night
Boone's Farm (in Melon Ball, Strawberry Hill, Sun Peak Peach, and Wild Island)
Rite-Aid swim floats
Polo Outlet purchases
A mystery playlist on my iPod
Friendly locals at Outback on Saturday night
Chevron beef jerky
Backyard pool and fun sea otter water feature
Gracious hosts

A long drive home from St. George (8 hours due to I-15 closure)
Unfriendly locals at The One & Only on Friday night
Peanut butter pancakes
Nicholas Sparks' The Guardian audiobook
Raw prime rib:

Today's Song: Four Days, Counting Crows

*post theme stolen from sarahbellum

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

So sad.

It's going to be a long, very long, four years.

Today's Song: Fourth of July, Aimee Mann

Monday, July 02, 2007

Have you heard?

I have a new bicycle. But until this weekend I didn't have a helmet. I was too shy to go to a proper bike shop to procure a helment, so I went to the old standby: Target. Target had loads of bike helmets - for youths. And even for women. But for just your average adult they had but two helmets. And they were both turquoise blue. Awful. So awful that I tried for twenty minutes to find a youth helmet, in plain black, that fit my head. Ulitmately, I realized that an ill fitting helmet was probably worse than no helmet at all. I refused to believe that turquoise blue was my only option, so I set out to get some customer assistance.

You know what really, really bugs me? People that wear red shirts to Target. Come. On. That's basically consumer terrorism. How am I supposed to find a Target sales associate if every late teen to middle ager in the store is wearing some variety of red shirt. Take note: if you are going to shop at Target, make certain you are wearing a shirt in any color other than red.

So anyway, I finally realized that I could just pick up a phone and page an associate, and I did so. A lady associate responded promptly to my page and I explained the helmet problem, i.e. no selection. I told her that the price scan comptuer told me that there were helmets in the back and that I would prefer one in black as opposed to some South Beach, FL color. To which she replied, "Well, you know, the helmets come in big boxes and they aren't labeled with what color or colors are inside. So I will have to pull down every box, open it, search through it, and there may not even be a black one." "Okay," I said, "Let's do that. Open 'em up." That wasn't the response she wanted, but I didn't care. They were going to have to open those boxes, sort them, and restock the shelves anyway. Why shouldn't they do it when I was there to purchase? When she didn't make a quick move to the stock room, I said, "Alright, how about you open one box, and then let me know what you find." She agreed. She came back a few minutes later with a silver helmet. "This was the best I could do," she said. I was fine with silver - preferring it to black even. Success.

The next day I rode my bike from SLC to Farmington and back. So, yeah, I'm a biker now. Save the fact that I do not have a fancy jersey, black bike shorts, or clip pedals. But most importantly, I do not have the smugness that seems so common with the packs of bikers I encountered this weekend. I attributed their attitude to all their gear. Biking requires a lot of gear. Unlike running. I suppose that is one of the primary reasons I prefer running - complete lack of gear. Pair of shoes, pair of shorts, t-shirt (if necessary), and an iPod. Good to go.

I had one crash - in the flower bed in front of the Mormon park at the southeast corner of State and North Temple. I took the turn onto the sidewalk a little too sharp. You can see the trampled flowers. Sorry.

Did you see the Concert for Diana? Highlights for me were Joss Stone's cover of Under Pressure, and the sets by The Feeling and Orson. Also, the Ricky Gervais and McKenzie Crook bit. The low points were Prince William's in-hand cue card, Puffy (I flinched), and the older acts. Also, I couldn't believe that they were so grateful for sun. "It's July 1st," I thought, "Of course it's sunny!" Sigh. I guess I take for granted that the sun doesn't shine in London as it does here. I know, I know.

Today's Song: Love It When You Call, The Feeling