I have a new bicycle. But until this weekend I didn't have a helmet. I was too shy to go to a proper bike shop to procure a helment, so I went to the old standby: Target. Target had loads of bike helmets - for youths. And even for women. But for just your average adult they had but two helmets. And they were both turquoise blue. Awful. So awful that I tried for twenty minutes to find a youth helmet, in plain black, that fit my head. Ulitmately, I realized that an ill fitting helmet was probably worse than no helmet at all. I refused to believe that turquoise blue was my only option, so I set out to get some customer assistance.
You know what really, really bugs me? People that wear
red shirts
to Target. Come. On. That's basically consumer terrorism. How am I supposed to find a Target sales associate if every late teen to middle ager in the store is wearing some variety of red shirt. Take note: if you are going to shop at Target, make certain you are wearing a shirt in any color other than red.
So anyway, I finally realized that I could just pick up a phone and page an associate, and I did so. A lady associate responded promptly to my page and I explained the helmet problem, i.e. no selection. I told her that the price scan comptuer told me that there were helmets in the back and that I would prefer one in black as opposed to some South Beach, FL color. To which she replied, "Well, you know, the helmets come in big boxes and they aren't labeled with what color or colors are inside. So I will have to pull down every box, open it, search through it, and there may not even be a black one." "Okay," I said, "Let's do that. Open 'em up." That wasn't the response she wanted, but I didn't care. They were going to have to open those boxes, sort them, and restock the shelves anyway. Why shouldn't they do it when I was there to purchase? When she didn't make a quick move to the stock room, I said, "Alright, how about you open one box, and then let me know what you find." She agreed. She came back a few minutes later with a silver helmet. "This was the best I could do," she said. I was fine with silver - preferring it to black even. Success.
The next day I rode my bike from SLC to Farmington and back. So, yeah, I'm a biker now. Save the fact that I do not have a fancy jersey, black bike shorts, or clip pedals. But most importantly, I do not have the smugness that seems so common with the packs of bikers I encountered this weekend. I attributed their attitude to all their gear. Biking requires a lot of gear. Unlike running. I suppose that is one of the primary reasons I prefer running - complete lack of gear. Pair of shoes, pair of shorts, t-shirt (if necessary), and an iPod. Good to go.
I had one crash - in the flower bed in front of the Mormon park at the southeast corner of State and North Temple. I took the turn onto the sidewalk a little too sharp. You can see the trampled flowers. Sorry.
Did you see the Concert for Diana? Highlights for me were Joss Stone's cover of
Under Pressure
, and the sets by The Feeling and Orson. Also, the Ricky Gervais and McKenzie Crook bit. The low points were Prince William's in-hand cue card, Puffy (I flinched), and the older acts. Also, I couldn't believe that they were so grateful for sun. "It's July 1st," I thought, "Of course it's sunny!" Sigh. I guess I take for granted that the sun doesn't shine in London as it does here. I know, I know.
Today's Song:
Love It When You Call
, The Feeling