Today's shoe: John Vavatos Venetian loafers in brown (damn, that sounds manly)
Calendar shoe: Not applicable
I'm short: true (but taller than Tom Cruise and probably Keith Urban, though still shorter than Nicole Kidman)
I have scars: true
I tan easily: true
I burn easily: false
I wish my hair was a different color: true
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color: false
I wear glasses or contacts: true
I'm legally blind without them: false
I have 5 or more piercing: false
I have/had piercing in places besides my ears: false
I miss someone right now: true
I've gotten divorced: false
I've had a crush on a teacher: true
I've hugged a stranger: true - but I don't think it was my choice
I like my bubble: I don’t know what this means, but probably true
I've laughed so hard I've cried: true
I've glued my hand to something: true
I've laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose: true (I have also snorted a beverage)
I've had my pants rip/drop in public: true, as to both
I was born with a disease/impairment: false
I've sat in a doctor's office with a friend: true
I've had my wisdom teeth removed: true
I've had a serious surgery: false
I've had chicken pox: true
I've gotten lost in a city: True, true and true (on nearly every trip to London)
I've seen a shooting star: true
I've wished on a shooting star: true
I've gone out in public in my pajamas: true - just yesterday in fact - to Grand Central Station
I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator: true
I've been to a casino: true
I've been skydiving: false
I've played spin the bottle: true
I've drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour: false
I've been in a car crash: trueI've caught a snowflake on my tongue: true
I've sat on a roof top at night: true
I've played chicken: true
I've played a prank on someone: true
I've ridden in a taxi: true
I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show: partly true
I've eaten Sushi: true
I own something from Hot Topic: false
I own something I got on E-Bay: true
I own something from Abercrombie: true
I own something from American Eagle: true
I own something from Anchor Blue: false
More Random:
I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant: true
I watch the news: false
I curse regularly: true
I sing in the shower: false
I'm a morning person: false
I have listened to more than 30 CD's in a day: false
I've worn pajamas to school: false
I know how to shoot a gun: true
I laugh at my own jokes: true
I am really ticklish: false
I play video games: true
I'm good at remembering names: false (seriously, generally the name goes in one ear and out the other)
Today's Song:
Personally, Karla Bonhoff